Research-Backed Tools to Assess and Evaluate Adult-Child Relationships
Based on decades of research on attachment and Emotional Availability (EA), EA is applicable to a wide range of relationships, from mother-child, father-child, to professional caregivers, teachers, including children with typical as well as atypical development and helps improve your "powers of observation."

The only measurement tool that evaluates Adult-child relationships from pregnancy to 17 years
Get trained in Emotional Availability (EA) to bring a new tool into your research, intervention, or practice in evaluating adult-child relationships.

Prenatal EA Pregnancy
Bring a new tool to your research or practice by learning to evaluate EA for expectant parents, even before the baby is born

EA Basic 0-5 years
Add a new tool to your research or grow your practice by scientifically evaluating adult-child relationships with EA

EA Middle Childhood/Youth 6-17 years
Follow up your research sample or open a new world of service offerings as a professional

EA Brief 0-17 years
How to have a conversation with a parent after you do an EA assessment about them.
Get trained in Emotional Availability to bring a new tool into your research or practice for evaluating adult-child relationships
Used in rigorous research and high-quality practice settings
Helping adult-child relationships in many areas How can Emotional Availability help you?
Emotional Availability is useful to researchers and practitioners who are interested in learning to evaluate adult-child relationships using an evidence-based system

EA helps Adult + Child
Mother/Father + Child
Grandparent + Grandchild
Teacher + Student
Therapist + Client
Doctor + Patient
Any adult + child relationship
EA is used by Professionals
Child Care Professionals
Foster care agencies
Assessment/therapy clinics
Child welfare agencies
Child custody evaluations
Adult caregivers to dementia patients
Meet Zeynep Biringen
Zeynep Biringen, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist in Colorado and Professor Emerita at Colorado State University (CSU). She conducted research on adult-child relationships at CSU for over 25 years and has trained thousands of professionals in the evidence-based EA System. Inspired by Robert N. Emde’s conceptualizations of emotional availability and emotions as well as Bowlby/Ainsworth attachment theory, Biringen has spearheaded the understanding of emotional availability (EA) as a rigorous scientific assessment of adult-child relationships, developing and refining the Emotional Availability (EA) System.

Answers to the most commonly asked questions about our Emotional Availability courses and becoming certified.