EA Briefing (formerly referred to as the EA Brief)
Time-stamped videoanalysis & videofeedback

This is videoanalysis of a parent-child sessions, using the EA framework, with exact time stamps of positive instances of the EA dimensions (sensitivity, structuring, nonintrusiveness, nonhostility, child responsiveness, and child involvement) in a particular relationship, as well time stamps of moments needing growth. The EA Coach develops a document of time-stamped videoanalyis, and then provides videofeedback creating the context for meaningful conversation. We have been training other professionals in the implementation of the EA Briefing so it can be used as part of service delivery with parents and/or research on parents. While the training is online/hybrid, the work with parents can be done in person or online via zoom.
Informational group or individual session
The informational session (on mindfulness, attachment, and emotional availability, also using ‘role model videos’ for teaching) is usually done as a group of 6-10 people, although it can be used individually as well. Then, a one-on-one EA feedback/coaching session is scheduled. The reason there is EA feedback and coaching, rather than only EA feedback is that it is lovely to be able to provide clear EA feedback (in a time-stamped way about a video) and then empower the parent that they can take their interactional style to a higher level.
Videoanalysis & videofeedback in a one-on-one session
Videoanalysis & videofeedback is a critical ingredient for change in attachment-based prevention/intervention work. What is unique about this single session is that the time stamps of a prior 20-min video are used to highlight specific aspects of EA (e.g., sensitivity, structuring…..) so that the parent can actually “see” the ingredients of EA and get to see themselves with your input. Parents begin to learn about the language of EA and use it to guide their interactions through time. What is also unique is that we have used this method with mothers/fathers with infants as well as much older children (up to 17 years). This is in the spirit of EA being a life-span system. It is a strengths-based approach where positive aspects are highlighted, but it is also unique in highlighting areas for growth. Professionals are using the system internationally. Please ‘contact us’ for more information and/or copies of the publications below.
Segment of EA Briefing conducted by Michael Lincoln, Doctoral student
Segment of EA Briefing conducted by Lia Closson, M.S. & Maren McConnnell, M. S.
McDonnell, M., Closson, L., Morse, B., Saunders, H., Sarche, M. & Biringen, Z. (Under review). The “EA Brief”: An intervention to improve emotional attachment and emotional availability (EA). Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.
Biringen, Z. & Easterbrooks, A.N. (2008). Child care and relationships. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, Vol. 4.
Biringen, Z., Moorlag, A., Meyer, B., Wood, J., Aberle, J., Altenhofen, S., & Bennett, S. (2008). The emotional availability (EA) intervention with child care professionals. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 4, 39-52.
Biringen, Z., Altenhofen, S., Aberle, J., Baker, M., Brosal, A., Bennett, S., Coker, E., Lee, C., Meyer, B., Moorlag, A., & Swaim, R. (2012). Emotional availability, attachment, and intervention in center-based child care for infants and toddlers, Development & Psychopathology, 24, 23–34.