Authorized Trainers
If you have been EA certified and using it for some time, we offer training on how you can help others with EA or as a next step perhaps train, especially in your own country

Dedicated training for authorized trainers is now in progress. We address this on a case-by-case basis easily, even if you were trained on an old version of the system. Ideally, there would be someone in each country who speaks the native language.
An authorized trainer is someone who can actually train and disseminate the tool outside their own research/clinical team. Such training is intended to be in person or live through a platform such as Zoom, as there is prerecorded online training already available to every professional. Exceptions may be made, especially for non-English speaking countries.
So that this role is done to a standard, one needs to get certified/licensed on a yearly basis so that authorization is about having the standard, updated knowledge and dissemination being accurate dissemination.
Everyone is on the same footing, unless they are authorized to be a trainer. This authorization comes from, not by the head of a research or clinical team, or other. Reason: Abiding by these guidelines keeps the EA System evidence-based/scientifically defensible, and linked to the wealth of EA literature indicating strong validity.
There is the possibility of becoming an authorized supervisor (for one's research team or at an agency or nearby agencies), but we have not begun this process.