Meet Zeynep Biringen
Founder and creator of the EA programs since 1987
Zeynep Biringen, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist in Colorado and Professor Emerita at Colorado State University (CSU). She conducted research on adult-child relationships at CSU for over 25 years and has trained literally thousands of professionals (researchers, mental health clinicians, and other practitioners) in the evidence-based EA System.
Inspired by her mentor Robert N. Emde’s conceptualizations of emotional availability and emotions as well as Bowlby/Ainsworth attachment theory, Biringen has spearheaded the understanding of emotional availability (EA) as a rigorous scientific assessment of adult-child relationships, developing and refining the Emotional Availability (EA) System. Encouraged by Robert N. Emde, Biringen began to train professionals in the system well over 30 years ago.