
Helpful resources written by Zeynep Biringen to learn more about EA on your own time

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Raising a secure child: Creating emotional connection between you and your child (Paperback)

This book is for a general audience of parents and describes emotional attachment and emotional availability and the link between these two ideas and well-researched assessment systems.  The focus is on describing how to recognize a secure attachment and the 3 forms of insecure attachment, as well as offers beginning ideas on how to correct problems of emotional attachment and emotional availability.


The Universal Language of Love:  Assessing relationships through the science of emotional availability (Hardcover) 2009

This book is also for a general audience of parents as well as practitioners/researchers who may want to talk to parents about the concepts of attachment and emotional availability.  Unlike Raising a Secure Child, this book focuses not only on parent-child relationships, but also on equal-partner relationships (peer-peer, adult-adult, teen-teen, adult child-parent) and leader-constituent relationships (leader of an organization for children/families, interventionists working with children/families, as well as all manner of leaders). The EA Scales are applied to these 3 different types of relationships and readers are shown how to assess so that they know (at an informal level) the emotional health in any particular relationship. One needs to understand “where” a relationship is in terms of emotional availability in order to move it to a higher level.

Beware, however, that the quizzes in these books are NOT evidence-based and were developed WITHOUT scientific validation.  They are merely for self-assessment and SHOULD NOT be used in research.  There are tested versions of these tools upon request.